CEEC Bath & Wells
The aims of the Fellowship are to unite all evangelical Anglicans in the Diocese of Bath and Wells and to express their distinctive contribution to the life of the Church. The Fellowship’s Basis of Faith is that of the Church of England Evangelical Council including the two Additional Declarations.
Membership is open to all clergy and laity who live, work or worship in the Diocese and who support the aims as contained in the Basis of Faith.
The membership of the Committee shall consist of:
Chairman and a minimum of five and maximum of seven others who between them will fulfil the following functions:
Secretary and Treasurer
Publicity Officer
​Where possible both the clergy and laity should be represented.
The Committee shall have power to co-opt other members according to specific need.
All members of the Committee shall be members of the Fellowship, committed to the aims of the Basis of Faith (see Clause 1 above) and as a mark of commitment be prepared to sign the Basis of Faith.
For the necessary work of the Committee 3 members will be required to attend.
The Annual General Meeting shall elect a Chairman, and up to seven other Committee members for the next 12 months. Members of the Committee are eligible for re-election.
Nominations must be proposed and seconded by members of the Fellowship and must be submitted to the Secretary no later than twenty eight days before the Annual General Meeting.
At least twenty one days’ notice of the Annual General Meeting or of an Extraordinary General Meeting shall be given to all members. Such notice shall include the agenda and any resolution to be proposed.
The Treasurer shall present to the Annual General Meeting the financial accounts of the Fellowship for the previous year.
The Committee shall decide the amount of the membership subscription each year.
Notice of any proposed change in the constitution shall be given in writing to members at least twenty one days before the General Meeting at which it is to be considered. It shall be proposed as a Special Resolution and shall require a majority of two thirds of the members present and voting at the meeting. Only members are allowed to vote at meetings.